Tommy Souza is a multifaceted professional renowned as a VFX Line Producer, photographer and enthusiastic traveler, whose talents have contributed to the success of blockbuster films like The Suicide Squad, Ant-Man and the Wasp, Dark Phoenix, and a myriad of others. Originating from Arizona, Tommy's journey has taken him on a path of exploration across various corners of California before expanding his horizons globally. From the vibrant cityscape of Montreal, Quebec, to the bustling streets of London, and now settled in the vibrant cultural hub of Sydney, Australia, Tommy's diverse experiences have enriched his perspective. Beyond his contributions to the cinematic world, Tommy showcases his artistic prowess through captivating photography, capturing the essence of individuals in stunning detail, showcased on his Instagram, where he commands a sizeable and devoted audience. Join us as we embark on a journey through Tommy's global adventures, uncover the intricacies of VFX production and delve into the exhilarating projects that have shaped his remarkable career in the realms of film and television.
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